Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The Descendents

I had never heard of this movie, but when talking about the South Park episode Going Native, a co-work told me that that episode was a parody of the movie The Descendents.  While the connection between Going Native and The Descendents to be tenuous at best, it is certainly a wortwhile movie (has George Clooney ever made anything else?).    While this is a great film, the over lying theme is not a happy one, but there are a great number of entertaining moments and well as an engaging story.

Also, the soundtrack is and incredible tour deforce of Hawaii music, which can easily serve as a great introduction to Hawaiian music, but does just as well as a great collection of music for those more familiar with Hawaiian music.  The soundtrack easily stands on it's own even without the film.

This is also a great overview of real Hawaii.  Not the Waikiki (which does not appear in this film) tourist trap, tacky grass skirt (not Hawaiian at all) coconut bra (which no Polynesians ever wore) and Mai Tai version of Hawaii that tourists often envision, but shows what every day life looks like in Hawaii as well as what the population of Hawaii really looks like.

On a side note, I really love the South Park episode Going Native, and often feel like Butters does in that episode, and even more, feel that the ridiculousness of the "Native" haoles is funny and something that needs to be pointed out (though not relevant to people who haven't spent a significant amount of time in Hawaii).  Every day I am told by haoles "I am from Hawaii", when clearly they don't know the first thing about Hawaii.

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