Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Escape from Tomorrow

I had heard that this film was filmed in Disney World, but that they had not been sued by Disney (so far, as they have said), which is what peaked my interest (the Disney World part, not the suing part).

The film doesn't really go anywhere.  For the half of the film, it seems more like a family vacation (with both the good and the bad) and almost a travelog of Disney World.

What kind of movie this is cannot even be defined.  It could possibly be called horror, but the horror elements are extremely infrequent, and more odd than scary, though somewhat creepy at times.  It's extremely difficult to sort out what is supposed to be real and what is imagined, which is often an engaging challenge in films, but once the film is over, it seems that most of those odd sequences really have no bearing on the plot and could have been done without.

There is a bit of a side plot which kind of goes somewhere, but it's not particular rewarding.

It's also impossible to say why it was filmed in black and white.  Perhaps to give the film more of a home movie feel, but that is a bit of a stretch.  On the other hand, it may have been an attempt to avoid conflict with Disney (as in emphasising that it is not trying to profit off of showing off the park) and hence avoid legal action.

Removing the Disney element of the film, would make this film only run about 20 minutes long and pretty much make it an unremarkable film.

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