Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Gatchaman (2013)

I have been waiting for the new Gatchaman live action film for a long time.  I believed it was never going to be produced, and then next thing I know, it's appearing in the movie theater's in Japan.

While I read that reviews had panned the film, I still was curious to see what they had done with the film.

I found the teams costumes to be somewhat confusing.  There was a bit too much "detail" in them, a lot of padding and plates, even on the helmets.

I am confused as to the choice of the actors in these roles.  None of them had a "cool" look.  It almost appeared like the just took the first 5 people they found off the street. 

Also, none of them looked like the original characters, nor did they act like their counter parts.  Ryu is one of the worse examples, as he was a heavy set guy in the original, but he was completely normal in this film.  Also, I am wondering why they chose an actress with short hair to play Jun.  I am not completely against short hair on women (only in a VERY few cases), but it took away from the feel of the original series.

That being said, I would LOVE to see more pictures (or even a poster) of Jun in her Gatchaman costume.  That was VERY hot and I am surprised there aren't more pictures of her out there.

Jo (George) didn't feel like his orginal character at all.  Instead of the tough guy rouge, he looked like a truant school boy.

The only person who looked like their original character was Dr Nambu.

None of the Gatchaman team looked like they were a force to be reckoned with.  Not to say that the original team was made up of  muscular guys, but still they looked very weak in this film.

Also, the look of the soldiers of Galactor's army was completely different.  They looked more like the alien army force in Half Life 2, with an odd light scheme on their helmets.  One interesting aspects of the original animation was the army of Galactor made up of ordinary guys in identical uniforms, some times caught doing ordinary things.  In the movie it was impossible to tell if the soldiers of Galactor were humans or not.  And they were all extremely powerful, able to withstand a barrage of bullets from the (human) army.

Berg Katse was also rather odd.  Instead of being the person in charge shouting out orders and then running away once they began to lose, Berg Katse confronted Gatchaman and was able to easily defeat him (with balls of energy, what is this Dragon Ball Z?)  Though I surely missed some of the exposition, I don't see why Berg Katse was revealed as a transmophing woman in the middle of the film (the big secret that clues alluded to through out the run of the animated series, only revealed at the very end), then remained female, fighting as such, and apparently stronger than Gatchaman.

And once the fighting commenced, Gatchaman got beaten up pretty fast, and all their equipment and masks got damaged right away.  If they are going to have all that equipment, I would think it would be able to stand up to more of a beating than that.

Also, the mechs were pretty much missing.  While I can understand some awkwardness with having each memeber of the team having their own vehicle, the vehicle that Berg Katse is operating looks too organic, not like his typical mechanized monster of the week.

It felt more like a Power Ranger's episode, fighting monster like bad guys inside their spaceships with cave like interiors.

One of the most off setting things is the interior of the God Phoenix.  It is merely a bubble screen that surrounds the whole team, showing the clouds passing by.  While that would be the ultimate cockpit from a pilots point of view, it looks like a blue screen set to the audience.  Even worse, it makes it look like the whole team is just sitting in chairs, lacking of any type of consoles to operate, completely looking the whole "high tech" aspect of the team.

One other thing that was lacking was the "transforming" that took place in the original series when the characters instantaneously changed into their "bird style" costumes.  While there is no scientific explanation of how this could happen, it was one of those great superhero moments (This looks like a job for Superman!) signifying they were jumping into action.

Also, there was a lot of talking that took place and not enough action.  It seemed like the team spent more time with some kind of drama then actually engaging the bad guys. It felt like filler.

All in all, this film felt like a combination of Power Rangers, Kamen Rider and Dragon Ball Z, with a glossing over of Gatchaman.

I saw a trailer for the canceled Gatchaman CGI movie, and that was extremely faithful to the original, and would have made a better movie.

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