Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Starship Troopers

I've never heard anything compelling about this film that inspired me to watch it, but I've liked a number of Paul Verhoeven's films (Total Recall and Robocop) so I thought I would give it a shot.

Funny thing is, I played a computer game based on this film, so I was familar with the insects they battled before watching the film.  But some how I had never caught pieces of the film shown  on cable before.

The film was okay, but a bit short of the comedy elements from Robocop, and it lacked a compelling story that drove both Robocop and Total Recall.  It gave no sense of accomplishment of the characters, more like they were just lucky enough to survive the battles they were thrust into.  At the end, I felt like, "That's all?"  and "What happens next?"  Honestly, I think the computer game was better.

I was a surprised to see Clancy Brown (the Kurgen from Highlander) in this, as he always makes an impression.  Still, compared to some of his other characters, this one was less intimidating.

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