Thursday, May 3, 2012

Kagemusha (1980)

Between the time when George Lucas had finished Return of the Jedi, but before he had created the prequels, he executive produced a number of films.  I, as a loyal Star Wars fan, thought it was my duty to see those films.  I have watched a number of them, Twice Upon A Time, Tucker: A Man and his Dream, Mishima: A Life in Four Acts, but some how I had over looked Kagemusha, which was directed by Akira Kurosawa, who had influenced George Lucas in his creation of Star Wars, with his film "The Hidden Fortress".

I have watched a number of Akira Kurosawa's films, and I have found them all to be good, though they have all been in historical settings in the age of samurai, so you would need to enjoy those types of films to find this film interesting.

I found this film to be pretty good, though strangely the color distracted me a bit (as most of his films I have seen were in black and white), as it took me out of the historical frame of mind a bit.  I had imagined the costumes to be a bit more muted than they were.  I do find some Japanese films lacking in highs and lows, as well as challenges for a protagonist to over come.  There is no great heroic moment in this film. 

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