Friday, December 20, 2019

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (2019)

I went into this film with zero expectations, and was still underwhelmed.  While it didn't shit all over the original trilogy they way The Force Awakens and to a lesser extent The Last Jedi did, was overly long, with very little action or story and relied heavily on retreading previous ideas and a huge amount of abrams pulling stuff out of his ass.

This is the first Star Wars film that did not follow the tradition of starting a scene in space (or at least in the sky, Attack of the Clones), which kind of showed how this film completely lacked any imagination.

The film continuously brings up new items and conditions, and relies heavily on exposition, with character explaining what a big deal the item they found or the action they are taking is.
Even worse, the film repeated attempt to substantiate itself, with the phrase "If we don't win this, we lose everything".  If that were the case it would be obvious just by watching the film!

I say abrams pulled a lot of stuff out of his ass, as he was constantly creating new force powers and weapons and rehashing old the ideas from the original trilogy or something that has already been covered in the expanded universe / Star Wars Legends novels.  Rey has a force healing power, Kylo Ren can take physical objects from other people when he is using his "force face time feature"?  And now Palpatine can take away peoples lighsabers and shoot force lighting that can selectively strike thousands of ships at a time?  With that kind of power, he never should have lost the battle at Endor.

And why is it in every Star Wars film since Jedi, people just die for NO REASON.  What is this crap with them using up their life force?  It goes along with a basic misconception about energy, that shows up in a lot of fantasy stories.  Engery is a state of matter, NOT material.  Too many times energy is represented as a physical entity.  And even worse, life force energy does not exist, so it not something that can person can be drained of.

Also, I think it would take a LOT more than a few minutes for Lando to amass a gigantic fleet, the size of which equals that of the emperor's fleet, which took him 32 years to build.

And what were those "sith troopers" doing on board the Star Destroyers for the entire 32 years.  They must have been pretty bored.  And who paid for this fleet?  Hell, how did he recruit the millions of crewmen it took to man those ships?  And ya know, just changing the color of stormtroopers and calling them "sith troopers" doesn't make them a worthy addition to the franchise.

While he attempted to avoid created a new and even bigger death star, he essentially did just that, but just had them attached to the Star Destroyers, as he couldn't come up with a story that didn't include a planet killing weapon.

And why was Rose in this film?  She didn't do a damn thing.  Oh yeah, diversity.

It's utter ridiculous to think that Luke was searching for a sith planet, but then he suddenly gave up the search and Lando decided to wait around for a few decades doing nothing. And then it is revealed that Leia had a lightsaber, but gave up her training for no apparent reason, but conveniently left the lightsaber for Rey, who apparently couldn't have made use of one Kyo Ren's saber, which he threw away.

And when Lando does reappear, he is wearing that stupid yellow outfit from the Solo movie, which is just a cheap attempt to legitimize a connection between these new films and the original trilogy.  Still not sure if that is better than him wearing Han's clothes.

Pretty stupid to believe the sith holocron"wayfinder" was able to survive the falling though the atmosphere of Endor and sit around for 30 years, still functioning in it's floating stand, waiting to be crushed easily in Kylo Ren's hand.

Are they going to go back and find Darth Vader's old lightsaber?  How about Palpetine's or Yodas?

And how come Rey resorts to putting Luke's / Anakin's old lightsaber back together with duct tape?  It's not until the end of the film, that she makes her own.
Anakin wasn't all that attached to his lighsaber anyhow.  He lost it (and built new ones) on several occasions, if I understood what he said in the prequels correctly.  And Luke made a new lightsaber pretty quick, instead of miraculously recovering the one he lost in Empire.
And having Rey be the Emperor's grandchild is just dumb. So the Emperor had a son, and no one bothered was concerned with that for the last 3 decades?  Also, it seems like only Palatine and Skywalkers can reach. Does Palatine have some extraordinary  midi-chlorian count?  Annoying to think they are trying to limit the force to only people who have parents who have he ability to use the force.

The music was also extremely lack luster.  There were times, like during Rey and Kyo Ren's battle that I would expect an impressive score, but that scene, along with many others was mostly silent.  And when the was music to be heard, it was just themes from the original trilogy, while always good to hear, it seems this film failed to inspire John Williams.  Even the ending theme the played over the credits was an extremely odd combination of themes, and for some odd reason the opening Star Wars theme was played randomly in the middle of the credits.

It seems really odd that the emperor was able to reincarnate himself (but strangely looking exactly how he did when he died in Jedi at age 88, and after having suffered facial burns from his force lighting being reflected back at him by Mace Windu), being stuck like a puppet on a string (crane?) and was able to amass a gigantic armada but chose to hide for 32 years, and wait for the Resistance to come and blow up his whole armada in a matter of minutes.  And the concept behind this was that he had a fleet large enough to conquer the whole galaxy, which is utter ridiculous, as the number of ships necessary to conquer an entire planet would be unthinkable much less unable to be represented on screen.  And what was his plan?  To blow up every planet in the galaxy?  That would leave no one left to conquer or rule.

And as for the ending, what is Rey going to do?  Be a moisture farmer?  I don't really care, but I thought part of the end of The Last Jedi was that there were other people who could use the force, but no such person, who could have been an ally or apprentice of Rey, appeared in this film.

So for the next movie, we make Han Solo female, have black female Jedi, and have yet another planet killing weapon, and bring back Vader and Darth Maul (ooops, already did that), as well as making the stormtroopers purple.  Will that make a worthy successor to this film?

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