Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Muppet Guys Talking: Secrets Behind the Show the Whole World Watched (2017)

This was a very interesting film to watch (provided you have appreciation of the Muppets), having most of the surviving muppeteers gather together and talk (making the title of the film quite accurate) and it was great to hear how a bit about how they developed their characters, how certain scene were created and many insights into what it was like knowing and working with Jim Henson.

The only problems I have with this film is it is only 1 hour long, and I would have love to hear them go into more depth.  They could have kept talking for hours and still would have been fascinating.

Of course, it would have been amazing to have had such a film made when Jim Henson and Richard Hunt were still alive.  Their possible contributions to this film are sorely missed.

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