Sunday, April 10, 2016

Terminator Film series

The first film in the series was spectacular and of course Hollywood smelled money and demanded sequels.  The story could have continued, showing how the machines took over the world and through several films how John Connor fought back and won.  But that is not what we got.  Instead we were given half baked films trying to top the original film with ridiculous terminators and nonsensical fight scenes, and no story progression.

The Rise of the Machines (2003) was disappointing, as from the title it appeared it would show how the machines took over the world, which is exactly what the film did NOT show.  It did earn some points for going back to a more plausible terminator, one that was a robot with a solid skeleton.  Unfortunately, it relied on one of the lamest tricks in the book, to change a character to female, to try and make the film stand out in the franchise.  Still, it was really odd that this terminator showed the ability to morph slightly (much more plausible) which she only used at one point to distract a policeman by making her boobs bigger, which was the only time that ability was used, which was included only for comedic effect.

Terminator Salvation (2009):  This film seemed like it was going to cover the promises of Rise of the Machines, but got bogged down in unnecessary fighting scenes, as seem to be obligatory for today's films.  The giant robot was completely unnecessary and seemed to be added just to compete with the Transformers film series.

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