Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Ghostbusters: Afterlife (2021)

Unfortunately, this is just a nostaligic trip. It has all the elements from the original film, mixed in in ways that usually don't make any sense. The film cannot stand on it's own, and I find it hard to beleive that anyone who has never seen the original film nor is familairy to the franchise would get anything out of this film. As has happneed with may other sequel/reboot films, the creators of the new film seem to have seen all the elements of the original film, and included them in this film, but it's just a pale imation of the original. Didn't they even know the original film was a comedy? Always good to see Paul Rudd in any film, even so, this film didn't stand a ghost of a chance. My questions is, how do they expect to continue the franchise? How are these kids supposed to run a business busting ghosts? Their age alone makes this completely ridiculous, and not in a good way.

Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021)

The plot of this film doesn't make a hole lot of sense, and it is quite contrived, but I can accept that, as they wanted to have a (flimsy) excuse to get all three of the actors together who played in the previous Spiderman films. It was merely a nostagic trip, bringing back six or so of the villians from the previous films. But the whole plot didn't make a lot of sense, and it made Dr Starnge look grossly incompetant and careless. The problem with the film is that it has no rewatchability. There weren't any great scenes that you would want to go back to and reawatch. This is the way with all films for at least the last decade (I am talking to you Star Wars sequels), in that they don't have great scenes, where as in older films, they would have multiple scenes that you wanted to watch over and over again. While that, and bring back most of the villans (What, no James Franco or Topher Grace - well Venom was completely wasted in that film...) Was this just a lame attempt to justify bringing back the villinas they killed off in the previous films? Take a lesson from the original Superman films (but not too much of a note), but not the Batman films (you don't have to kill off your villians at the end of each film). And as for Superman, you didn't really need to have Lex Luthor in 3 of the four films, as Gene Hackman plays a lousy Lex Luthor, but still the films he appeared in were better than the third film, even though the villian in that film wasn't too bad, and the evil computer did give a lot of kids nightmares. I still cannot understand why Zendaya is gettign roels in movies. She was slightly better in theilf film that the previous Spider-man film. But she shows nearly no reaction or emoiton. Okay, I get it. She wasin Shake in UP (TV) on Disney, and I know that many kids loved that show, mosstly for Bella Thore, who doesn't seem to be doing much these days, except screwing (not litterally) followers on OnlyFans.

The Mitchells vs. the Machines (2021)

I read somewhere that this was one of the mostly highly watched films on Netflix, and had a rating of 97%. I has seen a box for this video in the store, so I thought it was time I should check it out. It was a pretty good film, but I think not as great as the rating would suggest. One problem I had with the film was I couldn't relate to the daughter at all. Her constant need to add filters to her picuters, other add on special effects has never made sense to me. It doesn't any adding thing to the story of the video she (or anyone else) is adding it to. I guess I am getting to the point where I related more to the fathers in movies than the children. I did, however, appreciated that the father had a pretty big gut, but wasn't made out to be a clown or foolish. It's great to see when heavy people are accepted as they are, and are relevent characters, rather than being a source of comedy.

Ron's Gone Wrong (2021)

I intended to see this one in the theater, but either I missed it, or I don't know what happened, but I ended up wathicng in streaming. I thought this is one of the best movies I have seen in a long time, they way it deals with the concepts of not fitting in, bullying, friendship and technology. The whole concpet of the B-bot was incredible, partially from a techonological stand point, and how useful it could be, and partially from they way it demonstarted that social media is taking over people (espeically kid's) lives. I think that if anyone could make a real world B-Bot, they would pretty much take over the world, over night.