Thursday, May 1, 2014

The Act of Killing (2102)

I am not quite sure what brought me to watch this film, but most likely it was the fact that it is about Indonesia, whose history that I knew much less about than I thought.  The film opened my eyes to what the tragic slaughter/ holocaust that took place in Indonesia (and how the killers are revered there) and explained to me the level seriousness regarding of why you don't call yourself an atheist in Indonesian (as being as communists are atheists).

The film covers several men who lead the slaughter and follows them with there efforts to represent their acts on film, it is surreal at times, but in the end give better understanding of the Indonesian view of the slaughter of suspected communists and even the butcher's point of view.  Basically, what this film wants to say can be said in a sentence or two, but requires being watched to have more than a superficial understanding of the historical events.

This movie is going on my list of required watching for "social studies" classes in high school, to fill in the gaps in knowledge.

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