Monday, October 6, 2014

To Be Takei (2014)

I had only just heard of this film, and of course involving George Takei is what instrested me.  I was surprised to find that it was playing at the museum down the street from me, so I took my first trip to the movies in over six months and went to see this film.

I ended up being about half an hour late for the film, which strangely worked to its advantage.  When I arrived they had just begun reviewing George Takei's work on Star Trek.  That segment was quite funny and the rest of the film continuted to be interesting and informative.

When I got a chance to go back and see the first half hour that I missed, it was certainly very informative, not only about George Takei's life and career, but also the coverage of the topic of the American Interment camp for Japanese Americans during WWII.  It gave you the understanding that those people had everything taken away from them as well as the prejudice they faced after being released .  This film can lets us begin to understand the depth of the troubles those people were put through.  Being that the first 30 minutes of the film were much more serious, it may have led to a darker attitude when watching the rest of the picture and detracted from out enjoyment, which is odd to say, as the whole audience was laughing out loud as I arrived in the theater at that 30 minute mark.

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