Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)

Just to give you a warning, I hated this film but apparently I am the only one who feels this way.

This film is the Star Wars equivalent of Star Trek:Generations.   It seems the only reason for the appearance of characters from the original trilogy was to the bridge the gap between the two 'trilogies"  All the original actors merely had what amounted to cameos.  And it was a a VERY contrived way to hand over the keys to the Falcon.  How couldn't it even run after 30 years?

I never had a big problem with the prequels.  There were three points that detracted from the whole franchise 1) Midichlorians -  first it means your "potential" can be measured and this your are given a limit (or be completely incapable of succeeding) meaning that your ability with the force is not based on your own abilities, or training and effort.  2) R2-D2's ability to fly.  If , after the fact explanations are merely contrived.  3)  Clonetrooper's kill the Jedi.  The Jedi who are supposed to nearly invulnerable are easily taken out by Clonetroopers, the predecessors to Stormtroopers, who cannot seem to hit anything.  4) Lightsaber fights get more sabers.  It's ridiculous to think that anyone can merely pick up a second sword and suddenly know how to wield a two sabers at once, as it is a completely different style which would require training, and more susceptible to attacks.

This movie completely lacked tension.  It didn't have scenes where.  The whole attack on the  star killer lacked the incredible build up it was given in the original Star Wars, the intensity of the battle. You felt the losses the rebels were taking, the danger the rebels faced from the pursing TIE fighters and the imminent danger faced by the rebel base and knew clearly what their goal was (getting a torpedo into the exhaust port)

The ability with a lightsaber is merely, which mean's that Luke's training on Dagobah was unnecessary.  This is not the Matrix (which had a "plausible' explanation for instantaneous skill acquisition).  You cannot just pick up a skill just by picking up a weapon or watching it in a movie or wishing.

No interesting locations.  While the planet's names are different, the "locations are the same used in the original trilogy:  desert, snow planet, death star.

Reusing the concept of a planet killing weapon just shows a complete lack of inventiveness.  The ridiculous attempts to upgrade this Death Star by making it bigger and "faster" with it's attack make it no more threatening than the original Death Star.

Kylo Ren is not a formidable villian.  His.  When he takes off his mask, we only see a week, emo type person.  Not intimdating through either his attitude nor actions.  Darth Vader immediately established the threat he posed, coming in with his forces invading the Tantive IV (at the beginning of Star Wars) and killing an officer right away.

One other aspect of this film that detracts from it, is it cannot be seen as a stand alone film  Audience members who have no knowledge of the force would not understand this film. Concepts in the Star Wars universe were gradually introduced, and added to.  While it is possible to watch the films from either episode 1 or Star Wars Episode 4, this episode lacks any introduction to the concepts of the Star Wars universe.

Artoo and 3PO tied together the entire epic, but they were absent for 80% of this film and even when they were present, 3PO played no significant role and Artoo was asleep.  Not really saving the day, as Artoo did any every other film, unless you count his having the map that they were seeking.

This is one of the worst movies I have ever seen, because it did not entertain, nor did it inspire.  It was just an series of random events that mimicked the original films. 

Take this movie for what is is, but is certainly is NOT episode VII.  George Lucas, you are our only hope.  One day I hope he releases his ideas for the third trilogy, so we can see what might have been.